+380 96 7174187

+380 93 233 33 31 (Viber)


VIP restaurant room

Restaurant VIP hall

VIP-hall of restaurant «Perlina » is an ideal place for mini-presentations, meetings, VIP-trainings and wine tastings. Furniture placement change is offered in accordance with the different formats of the events.

Audio and video equipment in the VIP-hall of the restaurant:

  • Projector
  • Screen
  • Flipchart *
  • Laser pointer

* Paper and markers for flipchart are paid extra (a sheet of paper - 10 UAH., marker - 20 UAH.)

Not listed equipment is paid extra

Technical characteristics of VIP-hall of restaurant

Capacity: 20 px
Space: 48 sq.m


Space (Sq.m)

Height (m)

Width (m)

Length (m)

Restaurant VIP-hall





Tripod screen




Additional information

The rental time of the hall does not include time for installation and dismantling of equipment, other types of preparation and finalization works of the event by the organizers.

Hall rental for more than 4 or 8 hours is paid additionally to the main rate:

1875 UAH / hour for the Sovinyon hall and 450 UAH / hour for the Morskoy, Two Captains and VIP rooms.

The rental price includes equipment, basic seating pattern, sound system, Wi-Fi Internet access and technical support.

If you need help, call us

VIP room of the restaurant on the diagram